
8月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

The Boy who cried Wolf

  Why didn't you believe me? he asked.  There were a boy named Sam, some sheep, the villagers and a wolf. Sam raise some sheep, and he was lonely and so bored. He lived in a little village in the mountain, but all his friends were down in the village. One day, he had an idea. He ran down the hill to the village, and he told a lie that a wolf has come out of the forest. Everyone of the village came the meadow. They were very angry, but Sam laughed. He told a lie again and again. So, no one got to believe what he said. A few days latter, a wolf come out of the forest really. Then Sam begged them to help him, but no one came to the meadow. His some sheep were killed by the wolf, the rest had run away. He has learned his lesson.  I thought that no one believes liars, even when they tell the truth. So, I don't want to tell a lie to other people and to myself. New Vocabulary ・grassy-草で覆われた ・meadow-牧草地、草原 ・mutton-羊肉、羊 ・moan-不満げに言う、嘆く ・puff-息を切らす ・pant-あえぐ、息を切らす 

Jack And The Beanstalk

The Magic Pear Tree

1, Quotation: "Now, it's my turn to give you a pear." 2, Summary:   There were selfish Shen, a hungry beggar, a kind woman, some yummy pears and a little bit of magic. Shen had a little house and a big garden. In the gatden, there was golden pears's tree and he got too many pears. So, he sold at the market. A beggar asked Shen to give him a pear  for free, but Shen sent a beggar away. A kind woman bought a pear and give to a begggar. He spat out the seeds, and dropped in the seeds to a hole, and poured hot tea into the hole. Then a tree with golden pears appeared from the hole. The beggar give pears to many people. After that, when the beggar chopped down the tree, Shen's pears had gone. Shen said it was beggar's trick, but no one believed him.  3, Commentary: I thought that it is important to help people and share own profit. 4, Vocabulary: ・spit out-はきだす ・gasp-思わず息をのむ ・ bare-何もない、草木のついていない ・stroll-ぶらつく、散歩する ・crafty-悪賢い、ずるい

The Little Mermaid

1, Quotation: "You can never go back," said the witch's voice insid her head. 2, Summary   There were six mermaid daughters in the sea. Their grandmother had seen the world above the waves, so she told amazing tales. The Sea King said if  you become fifteen years old, you can swim to the surface of the sea. The eldest sister became fifteen years old, and she went to above the sea. Her littkest sister was  the most curious, but longing for the day she could join them. Finary, she became fifteen years old, and she rising up.  3, Commentary  This book was a little difficult for me, so it took some time to read this story. But, this story was very interesting. 4, Vocaburaly dart-突進する、投げかける ・seashell-貝殻 ・flick-すばやく動く ・pester-悩ます、うるさくせがむ


1, Quotation 2, Summary 3, Commentary 4, Vocaburaly

The Gingerbread Man

1, Quotation: So the little old woman decided to make a boy out of gingerbread. 2, Summary:  Once upon a time, a little old woman and man lived on a farm. They were happy, but there was a sad thing - they had no children. So, the little old woman made a boy out of gingerbread. But, a gingergbread man ran away. They ran after a gingerbread man desperately. But, he ran away, singing. He wanted to cross the river, then a fox said "I'll take you across", but this was the trap for a fox to eat the gingerman. So, in the river, a fox ate him. 3, Commentary:  I thought that this story would happy-end story that a little old woman and man got their child. So, I was very surprised that a gingerman ran away from them. Also, I was suprised that a ginger man was ate by a fox. I felt this story was a little cruel. 4, Vocabulary: dough パン生地