The Three Little Pigs

1, Quotation: They want homes of our own, they said.

2, Summary: 
 There were three little pigs named Pinky, Percy and Poppy. They decided to build new teir own house. Pinky made his house from some straw. Percy made his house from some sticks. Poppy made her house from some bricks. Next day, the big bad wolf went to their houses. Pinky's straw house and Percy's stick house were blowed away. They took refuge from the wolf in Poppy's house. Then the wolf couldn't broke Poppy's bricks house. After that three pigs knocked the wolf down.

'3, Commentary: 
 I knew this story a picture book in Japanese, so I could understand more easily. 

4, Vocaburaly: 
・trot along-歩いていく ・straw-(麦)わら ・grand-立派な ・brick-レンガ 
・huff-呼吸する、憤慨する ・puff-吹き出す ・chimney-煙突 ・land-着陸する 
・splosh=splash-はねかける、飛び散らす ・slam-バタンと閉める ・lid-蓋ふた



Mr Bean: Toothache

Red Roses

The Fish that Talked